Saturday, February 2, 2013

Urban Decay Naked Skin Foundation

Lemme level with you peeps. I'm not much for hype. If I'm really honest with you, hype turns me off. Completely. Why? Because little, if anything, lives up to the hype that surrounds it. So I was apathetic about the release of Urban Decay's Naked Skin foundation. I read all the press; I did all the research. I watched Youtube reviews. Meh. I was working a very large shoot last October when one of the models (Hi Megan!) brought this foundation for me to play with.  I shook the bottle - says to shake it in the directions - and pumped a bit out onto the back of my hand. Then I took my duo-fiber brush and went to work. It went on and spread like any other liquid foundation. It was a little between sheer and medium at first application. When I went back to double up on the foundation in a couple spots, it spread beautifully. It just melted into the skin. And it looked like skin. Yay! A few weeks later, I purchased it for myself. I love its versatility. I love that if I want a sheer foundation, I can apply a little bit, and it's sheer. If I want to put on more than one layer to increase its opacity, I can, and it never looks cakey. It just looks like skin. I'm not saying that it lives up to the hype, but I can say that I like the product, and I will be buying it again. This line of foundation comes in 18 warm, cool and neutral tones - there really is a shade for everyone. And even better is it's vegan. Product retails for $39.

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